Progressive App

Dev & startup terminologies | Noun

is it a desktop app? Is it a mobile app? No, it's PWA, the Progressive Web App! Superman intro and liberal jokes aside, PWAs are web apps which can run on any platform using a standard-compliant browser. This means both your mobile phone and laptop browser. And you don't even need to install it through an app store. It runs in the browser and you can install it through it on your desktop just as a regular app would (with an icon and all that). All the while using the same code base across platforms. This makes PWAs cheaper to build and maintain than native apps, because you don't need separate development teams for your Android version, your Linux version and your iOS version.


“Have you heard? They hacked an ATM and installed Doom on it.” “Maybe that's the future of PWA, apps that work on mobile, desktop and ATMs.”

Added by Get IT Guy